About Us
We are Tom, Carolin, Sebastian & Jara. And artistravel international is our baby.
How it all started...
Before artistravel international was born, each of us already had a creative addiction. Tom was a dedicated photographer, Sebastian loved to sketch and draw, Carolin and Jara created wonderful paintings and drawings BUT none of us found enough time to pursue our passion. There was always something more important in our stressful daily routine. The job, the family, the whatever..

Ever tried a creative escape combined with 'normal folks'? Reciepe for desaster...
Even on vacation we were mostly surrounded by people who had different interests and couldn’t understand why we would stop at a beautiful sight for more than the acceptable snapshot-time. When all WE wanted was to find the right moment for a better than average photo or a quick sketch…
Consequently all three of us dreamt of a future where we would be able to find enough time for our beloved hobby AND the companions who would understand us and our passion.

artistravel creates space & time for creative passion!
It took us a few years before we understood we had to CREATE the solution rather than just wait for it to come along. This was the day we started artistravel. A company with only ONE purpose: providing the perfect opportunity for creative work: An inspirational place, enough time, a group of likeminded people plus a fantastic tutor.
Today, almost 10 years later, thousands of Swiss, Austrian and German creative minds have been our guests on hundreds of German speaking Workshops and creative holiday trips. This makes us very proud and has encouraged us to start looking for the best international English speaking offers out there. Enjoy!
We are looking for the VERY BEST tutors, topics and destinations across Europe...
If you have further suggestions or recommendations on amazing tutors, wonderful destinations or great workshops YOU are warmly invited to share YOUR experience with us! Please send an email to: info@artistravel-international.com
We from artistravel international will be happy about every comment and may add your personal favorites to our shortlist, too!