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Eye Level Is Not Always The Best Height

Usually photos are taken while standing straight. Basically, this is a good way to take pictures, but often it is worth it to leave the usual eye level. It may look stupid when photographers are lying on the ground with the camera, but firstly: It's great to try something crazy! And secondly, it's not as crazy as it looks and your picture will be worth it. To test this, imagine spraying a circle on the ground. You can then put yourself in the circle and the task is to photograph a motif from different heights. You will be surprised what different pictures you get when you change the height. From a bird's-eye view, motifs often appear smaller and the perspective also gives the picture a condescending effect. Conversely, the frog's perspective can make motives appear bigger. Just give it a try. Grab a camera, pick a motive and photograph it from 10 different perspectives! Of course you are allowed to move and you do not have to stop in an imaginary circle in front of you!

© by pixabay

Posted in Creativity on Sep 19, 2018